Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Gianetto Dip

I'm making a special post to rave about this wonderful dip. My good friend Gina is from Midland and she gave us a container of her family's famous “Gianetto dip”. This dip is absolutely amazing. Made with cottage cheese, mayo, onions, garlic, salt, parsley flakes and paprika, it's enough to have you scarfing down every cracker or raw veggie available. If you're ever in the Midland area, stop by 290 King Street and pick yourself up some of this delectable dip.


  1. Rachelle.

    I really couldn't bring myself to actually read too much about your latest meals--you had me drooling over here in India from the photos alone!

    Just wanted to check into your blog to see if you are keeping it going. Looks great. I'll read it when I get home.

    Hope all is well at 494...we miss it lots.


  2. and we miss you guys lots!! looking forward to you coming back. I was actually coming to the site right now to delete this post as i feel it downgrades the whole site, but i can't now with your post, i want to keep it!

  3. Oh my god, I'm from Midland and now live in Alaska. Can't get the dip out here! I've been searching for years on how to make the giannetos dip but it always falls short of the real thing. Can you get your good friend to reveal exactly how it's made?

  4. I'm just waiting to hear back from my friend Gina and will let you know asap!! She has said before the recipe is impossible to replicate unless you make a MASSIVE batch. Maybe a good Christmas gift idea!!

  5. ok so Gina says you would need to make 60lbs of it and would need an industrial meat grinder! Email me directly if you'd like (she's curious to know if she knows you!) rachelleeatsfood at
