What a perfect evening. I relaxed on my candlelit deck sipping a pinot grigio and enjoying one of the best meals I've ever had (that often happens when my husband cooks). We have so many planks of cedar left from our new deck I have a feeling I'll be enjoying this delicacy many times this summer. Close to ten years ago, my husband made maple salmon on a cedar plank in my oven and I never forgot it. The cedar flavour in the fish this evening was the greatest celebration of a job well done, it tasted like my deck, in a good way. And the fish, not just any fish, sockeye salmon from the Whalesbone Sustainable Fish and Oyster Supply Shop – yummy!
To start, my husband soaked a cedar plank in water for a few hours. He set the filet in 1/3 cup brown sugar, 1/3 kosher salt, a splash of water and some maple syrup for about an hour and a half in the fridge (proper brining should be done overnight). Turn the barbecue on high, set the plank on the grill for 3 minutes then flip to the dry side and add some olive oil and kosher salt on top. Rinse the salmon and lay it flat on the plank. Cook for about 15 minutes, keeping a close eye on the plank so it doesn't catch fire (it was snapping a lot towards the end). You'll have the sweetest, most mouthwatering piece of fish ever. Serve with barbecued potatoes on a bed of baby spinach.