Sunday, November 14, 2010

Gold Medal Plates Cometh

The following guest post continues a series of Gold Medal Plates Event posts that we've been featuring leading up to the event in Ottawa. Which is now, oh my gosh!! only 2 days away! It's from the wonderful people at foodiePrints.

According to American drama critic and editor George Jean Nathan, "Opening night is the night before the play is ready to open."

This coming Tuesday (November 16, 2010), the production will be the Gold Medal Plates competition and fundraiser. The venue, Ottawa's National Arts Centre (NAC). Though, the culinary competition that aims to celebrate food and wine and feature the best chefs and wines in Canada, will not be held in a performance hall.

Gold Medal Plates was founded in 2003 and has since raised more than $4.1 million for the Canadian Olympic Foundation to support Canadian Olympic and Paralympic athletes.

Officially opened June 2, 1969, the 1.158 million square feet hexagonal complex that is the NAC will host Ottawa's Gold Medal Plates in four of its five event spaces.

Main Foyer

Le Salon

Fountain Room

Panorama Room

Said Jennifer Covert, Marketing Officer at the NAC and one of the voices behind the @canadasnac twitter account, "I asked where Gold Medal Plates would be held. 'Everywhere!' [was the answer I received]."

The event will likely spill into the mezzanine as well.

The NAC was created by Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson as the principal centennial project of the federal government. It was designed by Fred Lebensold (ARCOP Design), one of North America's foremost theatre designers. It first raised its curtains in 1969.

This Tuesday, competing teams, lead by local chefs, will prepare dishes for approximately 500 event-goers and a panel of judges. The event also pairs the teams with Canadian Olympic and Paralympic athletes. The chefs will compete for medals, gold, silver, and bronze. Gold medalists will compete nationally at the Canadian Culinary Championships.

The chefs,
The judges,
The host, Sylvie Bigras

Entertainment will be provided by singer-songwriter Jim Cuddy and jazz singer Holly Cole.

Already, Gold Medal Plates competitions have been held in Calgary, Toronto, Saskatchewan, Edmonton, and Montreal.

Buzz is starting to build in Ottawa as chefs tweet about preparing for the event. Chef Marc Lepine (@marclepine) even posted photos of his team's competition plate and how it is prepared. Ottawa Citizen published its Food Editor Ron Eade's Fired up to Compete, November 11, 2010.

Famed Canadian food and wine writer and judge James Chatto asked three Ottawa food blogs to help promote Gold Medal Plates, foodiePrints (us), Rachelle Eats Food, and Whisk: A Food Blog. We posted the last of our "Meet a Gold Medal Plates Chef" profiles this past Friday.

To read about the competing chefs and their restaurants, click on the following links:
To all the chefs and chef teams, good luck!

Facebook Page: Gold Medal Plates Ottawa

To purchase tickets for Gold Medal Plates, contact Sue Holloway (contact information below) or click here.

Gold Medal Plates Ottawa
Tuesday, November 16, 2010 6:00 pm
National Arts Centre
53 Elgin Street

Sue Holloway
818 Nesbitt Place
(613)274-3107 phone
(613)274-0851 fax

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